Changing the Way We See

Augmented Reality tools provide great potential for marketing and artistic expression. Since nearly everyone has a smartphone that can be used to access such technology, it's becoming increasingly straightforward to implement with many different applications available. But the next iteration of these systems will bring the technology even closer to your vision.

Augmented Reality Technology and Its Applications

Augmented reality (AR) is a technology that has been around since the late 90s, and it's quickly becoming more mainstream. It's an interactive user experience where digital information is overlaid on real-world objects. The goal of AR is to enhance user experiences by merging virtual data with physical objects. This technology has many applications in various industries such as education, entertainment, healthcare, retail, gaming, and manufacturing.

Burning Off The Dross Ai Art

To be able to enjoy this augmented reality image, you will need a device and an app. The best option is to download the Artivive app on your smartphone. You can find it in the app store or use the provided QRCode to get it. Once the app is installed, you will be ready to experience this art.

With the help of the Artivive app, the artist is able to upload a static image and accompanying video file which contains an animation.

Signing up for Artivive is simple. I used it to provide a video animation of my business cards, showing what they can do.

Augmented reality is popular in Instagram filters; some will put stars in your hair, while others are tied to a specific geographic location and overlay an alternate reality on top of the real world. SuperWorld. is one such app.

SuperWorld AR app

Augmented Reality (AR) can be enabled in the Safari browser on iPhones and Google Chrome on Android devices. For example, Fabin Rasheed is an artist who uses this feature in many of his works. One piece of his art was part of a game that took place around the globe with prizes for those who found the right location.

New Technology beyond the smartphone

Apple has released the Vision product that has augmented reality capabilities as well as virtual reality. Augmented reality mode allows you to see the real world while overlaying information or objects that trick your eyes into thinking they are actually there. Many companies have been working on this technology including Microsoft, Google and Leap. It is actually in use within certain companies to augment the manufacturing process.

This video has a demo of Airbus using the technology to build aircraft. As technology advances, so do the capabilities of augmented reality. Airbus, a leading aircraft manufacturer, has recently put the technology to use in their manufacturing process. Using AR, they are able to engineer planes properly and with greater accuracy than ever before. The AR headset displays information about the plane’s components on the user’s vision as they construct it. For example, there are 3D models that help users visualize how the different components fit together in real time, making it easier to assemble the aircraft correctly. This additional level of precision helps speed up production times and reduce errors where possible.

Augmented reality is a technology that is very helpful to grab attention of an audience but also has applications in other fields that have not been realized yet. The potential of Augmented Reality technology continues to impress us all with its applications across various industries from healthcare to aviation; but it's still early days for AR tech and there is still plenty more potential uses out there! As technology continues to evolve in leaps and bounds, we are sure that we will continue to see even more innovative uses for this amazing tool!

Where do you think it can be used?


Creating Logos with AI


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